Pointed Pen Calligraphy Tips

Hi guys... I'll be teaching a pointed pen class soon and I thought I'd start sharing some tips and tricks for those of you who are either thinking about finally picking up some pointed pen nibs, or you already HAVE some pens but have been reluctant (or kind of lost) as it pertains to starting.

I want to recommend that you first start with a pencil. Yes, I said a pencil. SO MUCH of what you will be doing with the pointed pen is based on the amount of PRESSURE you apply to the pen nib, starting with a more inocuous writing tool like a pencil will definitely help.

Using a #2 pencil, make slanted strokes... Light pressure on the way up, and firm pressure on the way down. The "upstroke" where you are using light pressure is called the "lead in" stroke. The "downstroke", where you are using firm pressure is often referred to as the "full pressure" stroke.

Baby steps, yes I know, but this is one of the most important things you can do to start prepping your hand and wrist to tackle pointed pen strokes!

Baby steps, yes I know, but this is one of the most important things you can do to start prepping your hand and wrist to tackle pointed pen strokes!

As you get comfortable creating these basic strokes, you can move on to other shapes and movements. These drills will help your understanding of how to achieve "thicks and thins" through the use of he pointed pen, as well as helping develop your muscle memory.

Please download a free drills worksheet so you can make copies and practice, practice and practice some more.

Let me know if you have questions and I'll catch up with you later with more tips!
